How to apply for a job

January 26, 2012 § 1 Comment

Whenever we are hiring at Mint Digital, it always amazes me some of the responses we get. Unfortunately often not in a good way. So if you are thinking of applying for a job (not just at Mint), here are a couple of handy tips I’ve noted based on the many applicants I have reviewed. Please note this list is specifically related to development jobs, however some, if not all, of these will apply to other industries.

Write a good cover letter
This is the first thing that the person reviewing your application will likely read, so make sure it’s good. At the most basic level, please, please ensure it has no spelling or grammatical mistakes and quickly make it clear why you would be great for the position. Do not send ‘standard’ cover letters, these are normally very obvious and show you have not spend any time on the application, this in turn means I am unlikely to do so.

Do your research
This is related to your cover letter, but will also apply if you get further than that. Do a little research on the company you are applying to. If it is obvious you do not know what we do, or what the job is likely to be, then I’m likely not interested.

Include your C.V.
I’ve lost count of the times I get an email, shortly followed by another: “Opps I forgot the attachment”, actually I probably wouldn’t hold this against someone, but I think it is worth checking over everything before you send. First impressions count.

Make it easy
If someone receives a large number of applications then you need to make it easy for them to put you through, or at least not count you out. This extends to many things, not limited to:

  • Include obvious links to relevant work/github/personal site etc
  • Be easily contactable
  • Keep your C.V. short (I prefer a single page, but that might just be me)

If you are asked to do something (a tech challenge/exercise etc):

Read the instructions
Make sure you do what’s being asked! If you do not understand the task as asked, then don’t be afraid to ask for confirmation. I’d much rather you show the care and get it correct first time, than submitting something that has missed the point.

Do it promptly and professionally
Try and do the task as promptly and professionally as possible, as well as the work you produce, the manner in which you do it is a great sign of what sort of employee you might be. If the service I get is not something I’d want a client to get, you won’t get the job. Similarly don’t come with excuses, it’s very unprofessional and doesn’t make me think you want the job.

Many of these may seem simple, or even obvious, but follow these and you’ll come out ahead of the pack. When applying your immediate goal is to get to the next stage, where hopefully you can meet people in person or over the phone and show them how good you are. Following these should get you there, then its up to you!

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