Powder’s no-issues policy

November 4, 2011 § 2 Comments

I’ve just implemented a no-issues policy on the Powder gem. I’ve disabled the issue tracker in the repo admin, and added the following to the readme:

Powder now opperates a “no issues, just pull requests” policy. The gem really is so simple that there is no excuse not to fix any problems that you find, or implement any features that you want. Hack away, submit a pull request and we’ll be notified.

What are you waiting for? Get hacking!

I guess that’s pretty self explanatory. I wanted to mention a little as to why we implemented this.

Many projects in OSS are run by a core team, and making contributions is not easy. Often times opening an issue is all you can do. Powder is not like that. It’s too simple for that. Anyone can and should contribute to Powder. Identify your issue, fix it locally, get a pull request together and submit it. Assuming it’s on topic and actually works (I do check everything before merging) it’ll make it’s way in to the next release. There is really no need to tell me you think something is broken. Either I don’t think so or I haven’t noticed (most likely the latter), else I’d have fixed it already!

There have been somewhere in the region of 50 issues opened on powder, and almost as many pull requests. Most have been valid, and lots have resulted in the issue opener submitting a fix (sometimes after a little encouragement). We have 21 brilliant contributors to the project, but I want more!

I want powder to be a place to cut your open source teeth, and to enable everyone to help out the Ruby community by hacking on a moderately popular tool. If you are unsure of anything or need help, either take a crack and submit the request anyway (we can debate the best approach or mull over the problem), or message me on GitHub.

So like I said in the Readme – Get hacking!

§ 2 Responses to Powder’s no-issues policy

  • Ron Green says:

    well I just found a couple of issues but i am a newb at ruby so I can’t help so I’ll just keep my mouth shut and go away.

    • Rodreegez says:

      When you say you are a “ruby newb”, why does that mean you can’t help? You obviously know enough to be dealing with a rack app, else you wouldn’t be using Pow. If you are dealing with a rack app you are probably installing gems and using Github too. Seems to me like you have all the knowledge you need to take a crack at it.

      I’m sure once you scratch the surface you’ll realise quite how straightforward the whole script is.

      As I said, message me on Github if you have any specific questions about how stuff works.

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