Don’t build that feature.

August 25, 2011 § 1 Comment

Are you building a new feature right now or are you building bloat? Please stop.

Seriously, I can’t be bothered to write yet another feature. At least not one that will spend 4 weeks to build out and then leave unchecked until a redesign/rewrite. Is this feature being used? Has it made an impact to the signups/purchases?

I want to know if people are using that search box i’ve added on products/show, or if the favourites are being used.

I want to know if 80% of my usage is coming from 20% of the code/features and I want to kill that 80% of resource sapping bloat.

Stop doing this

The second spoiler resulted in a 200% increase in LOLz, good work.

I need  two things :

a) WHO is using my feature/url and their behaviour as well as the total % of users visiting a url.

b) When adding a feature of any kind I need to how and when it will be judged, e.g. if after 4 weeks this search box makes no difference to the number of users going to a search page then kill it.

Too often I develop an application blind and I don’t want to anymore.

Of course what i’ve outlined is a problem, I need to create my solution. I’m building something to make sure that I have the right tracking to create a lean codebase (rubygem coming soon), and most importantly only having features make a real difference. I look forward to sharing it with you soon.

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